Prayer for the Lost

Thank you for taking the time to contact us about your lost loved ones. Our 24-hour prayer team of over 600 people is committed to praying for your family, friends and loved ones on a daily basis. Please take a moment to complete the information below.

In order to help you even more, we want to send you some useful and encouraging information on how to pray and reach your unsaved loved ones. Please include your email address with your prayer request so we can send you this helpful information.

"Well good news and praise God for His sovereignty and just at the right time. My friend I shared the gospel with and sent in for your prayer team has accepted Christ. Praise God and God bless your ministry and your outreach to a lost and dying world."

Contact Information

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First names of those we can pray for salvation for...

Please enter one name per line (first name only).
More than 10 names? Click "Add More Names."
Do not enter last names or relationship.
Subscribe to Pastor David's daily email devotional.


Please submit names only one time. We will keep them on our list to pray for salvation until you request they be removed.

Daniel 12:3 "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever." NLT